Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The best free antivirus?

AVG use to be the best but is waning, and starting to charge more for their premium product while taking some features or controls out of the free version.

The best one available is Clam. This is an open source (free) product that is maintained all the time and allows all sorts of custom configuration for scanning, updating, downloading, etc. You can download it at

The best free antivirus?norten

good luck!

The best free antivirus?panda

While a lot of people recommend AVG, I wouldn't. It's decent, but in some cases it won't let you repair the virus and screws you over. I recommend a virus detector by Symantec, I had them for awhile and loved it, unfortunitly I never got it back once my old computer died. I've got a new one that Rogers gave me for signing up to their internet service, so it's better than any free one. But for sure, Symantec was the best free software I've ever used.
AVG... But you need other protection too. I suggest you go to There is a search bar at the top. Type in :

AVG FREE anti-virus download it then update it.. Then look for SPY BOT Search and it and update it.. After you update Spy Bot , click on ''Immunize'' on the main Spy Bot page.. let it run ..A window may pop up telling you, so many things have been blocked and there are so many that can be blocked... if it does , then click immunize at the top. This loads the definitions. Click block pages silently also.. Look for and download , Zone Alarm free fire wall also..You need one of these too. Then go to www. and look for AD-Aware SE personal edition..Download it and then update it... These programs are all free..Then run all three programs. The Firewall runs itself.. You will need to run all three programs at least once a week..The AVG protects constantly. And can be set up to automatically update, and scan for problems. But you will have to open and check for updates and run the programs manually for the other 2.
in order best #1




If ur on dial up: bit defender 8 (free)
Avast has a free version for personal use. It requires free registration though.
AVG is pretty much the only free virus software out there that is any count.
My favorite antivirus to use is Avast. I have been using it for a couple years and have no problems and it is user friendly also.

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